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The McKinney-Vento Act, a federal law that provides rights and services for students experiencing homelessness, ensures the provision of school stability and other supports to help students attend and succeed in school.

Julia Lee Performing Arts Academy desires to ensure that homeless children and youth are provided with equal access to its educational program, have an opportunity to meet the same challenging state of California academic standards, are provided a free and appropriate public education, are not stigmatized or segregated on the basis of their status as homeless, and to establish safeguards that protect homeless students from discrimination on the basis of their homelessness.

What is Mckinney-Vento?

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures educational rights and protections for children and youth experiencing homelessness.  

  • The term homeless children and youth mean individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes:

  • Children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason

  • Children who may be living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, shelters, or awaiting foster care placement

  • Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as regular sleeping accommodation for human beings

  • Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings


School Liaison


Eddie Rodriguez


The School Liaison shall ensure that (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(6)):

1. Homeless students are identified by school personnel and through coordination activities with other entities and agencies.

2. Homeless students enroll in, and have a full and equal opportunity to succeed at, the Charter School.

3. Homeless students and families receive educational services for which they are eligible, including services through Head Start programs (including Early Head Start programs)
under the Head Start Act, early intervention services under Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and referrals to health care services, dental services, mental health services, substance abuse services, housing services, and other appropriate services.

4. Parents/guardians are informed of the educational and related opportunities available to their children and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.

5. Public notice of the educational rights of homeless children is disseminated at places frequented by parents or guardians of such youths and unaccompanied youths, such as schools, shelters, public libraries, and soup kitchens, and in a manner and form understandable to the parents and guardians of homeless youth and unaccompanied youth.

6. Enrollment and admissions disputes are resolved in accordance with law, the Charter School’s approved charter, and Board policy.

7. Parents/guardians and any unaccompanied youth are fully informed of all transportation
services, as applicable.

8. School personnel providing services receive professional development and other support;

9. The School Liaison collaborates with state coordinators and community and school personnel responsible for the provision of education and related services to homeless children and youths.

10. Unaccompanied youth are enrolled in the Charter School, have opportunities to meet the same challenging state academic standards as the state establishes for other children and youth, and are informed of their status as independent students under section 480 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and that the youths may obtain assistance from the School
Liaison to receive verification of such status for the purposes of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid described in section 483 of the Act.


Contact us at (951) 595-4500

The Charter School shall immediately admit/enroll the student (subject to the Charter School’s capacity and pursuant to the procedures stated in the Charter School’s approved charter and Board policy), even if the student lacks records normally required for enrollment. Records will immediately be requested from the previous school. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(C); Education Code Section 48850(a)(3)(A).)

If the student needs to obtain immunizations or does not possess immunization or other medical records, the Principal or designee shall refer the parent/guardian to the School Liaison. The School Liaison shall assist the parent/guardian in obtaining the necessary immunizations or records for the student. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(C).)

Enrollment Disputes
If a dispute arises over admissions/enrollment, the student shall be immediately admitted, pending resolution of the dispute. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(E).)

The parent/guardian shall be provided with a written explanation of the admission/enrollment decision, including an explanation of the parent/guardian’s right to appeal the decision. He/she shall also be referred to the School Liaison. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(E).)

The School Liaison shall carry out the Board-adopted complaint process as expeditiously as possible after receiving notice of the dispute. (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(3)(E).)

Comparable Services
Each homeless child or youth shall promptly be provided services comparable to services offered to other students in the Charter School, such as (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(4)):

  • Transportation services

  • Educational services for which the child or youth meets eligibility criteria, such as educational programs for students with disabilities and educational programs for students with limited English proficiency

  • Programs in vocational and technical education

  • Programs for gifted and talented students

  • School nutrition programs


The Charter School shall ensure that transportation is provided for homeless students to and from the Charter School, at the request of the parent or guardian (or liaison). (42 U.S.C. § 11432(g)(1)(J))

Professional Development

The Charter School may provide professional development to employees on the identification, services, and sensitivity necessary when dealing with homeless children and youth. (42 U.S.C. § 11433(d)(3).) All identified or suspected homeless children and youth will be referred to the School Liaison.

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19740 Grand Ave.
Lake Elsinore, CA  92530

(951) 595-4500


29991 Canyon Hills Rd #1709-527

Lake Elsinore, CA 92532

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In order to comply with United States Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (OCR) requirements for career and technical education programs, school districts must have in place basic procedures regarding federal statues and implementing OCR regulations, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as Vocational Education Guidelines for Eliminating Discrimination and Denial of Service on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap, potential parental, family, or marital status or the exclusion of any person because of pregnancy or related conditions, age, creed, religion, marital status, ancestry, health condition or sexual orientation. These basic procedures include an annual public notice, continuous notification, designation of a person(s) to coordinate activities under Title IX, Section 504, and Title II and a grievance procedure that will allow students and parents an avenue for dealing with alleged discrimination. Also, all educational programs and activities under the jurisdiction of the State Board of Education receiving or benefiting from state or federal financial assistance shall be available to all qualified persons without regard to sex, sexual orientation, gender, ethnic group identification, race ancestry, national origin, religion, color, or mental or physical disability pursuant to the California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Chapter 5.3, section 4900 et seq.

Con el fin de cumplir con los requisitos para carreras y programas pedagógicos de la Oficina de derechos civiles (OCR, por sus siglas en inglés) del Departamento educativo de Estados Unidos, los distritos escolares deben contar con procedimientos básicos sobre estatutos federales e implementación de regulaciones OCR, Título VI de la Ley de derechos civiles de 1964, Título IX de las Enmiendas pedagógicas de 1972, Sección 504 de la Ley de rehabilitación de 1973 y el Título II de la Ley para norteamericanos con discapacidades de 1990; así como, los Lineamientos para eliminar la discriminación y negación de servicios con base en raza, color, origen nacional, sexo, discapacidad, potencial paternal, familiar, o estado civil o la exclusión de cualquier persona a causa de embarazo o condiciones relacionadas, edad, credo, religión, estado civil, ascendencia, estado de salud o orientación sexual. Estos procedimientos básicos incluyen un aviso anual, continuas notificaciones, designación de una persona(s) para coordinar actividades bajo el Título IX, Sección 504 y Titulo II y un procedimiento de quejas que brindará a alumnos y padres una manera de tratar con presunta discriminación. También, todos los programas y actividades pedagógicos bajo la jurisdicción de Secretaría de educación pública o que se beneficien de ayuda financiera estatal o federal deberán estar disponibles para todas las personas calificadas sin importar sexo, orientación sexual, género, grupo de identificación étnica, raza de ascendencia, origen nacional, religión, color o discapacidad mental o física de acuerdo al Código de regulaciones de California, Título 5, Capítulo 5.3, sección 4900 y ss.

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